Mission Statement
To secure and preserve a permanent supply of affordable housing alternatives for low and moderate income households in Maui County.
Our Vision
Imagine beautiful neighborhoods on Maui where housing is affordable for generations to come, where the dream of affordability for homebuyers is realized in well-designed, community minded neighborhoods. A Community Land Trust (CLT) has the potential to help us realize this dream. The Housing and Land Enterprise (HALE) of Maui is Hawaii’s first housing land trust.
Nā Hale O Maui is a non-profit organization founded in 2006. The initial Board of Directors served for one year, and at the first annual membership meeting a permanent board was elected to rotating 2 year terms. Our 9 member board now includes 3 NHOM homeowners. We are striving for a balance of members representing the spectrum of needs during this phase of the organization’s growth.
Nā Hale O Maui is partnering with banks, low income service providers, large land owners, developers, nongovernmental organizations and state and county governments to assure support for all phases of site selection, acquisition, construction and management. Nā Hale O Maui is a member of the Maui Housing Council, Chamber of Commerce as well as the National Community Land Trust Network, the National Association of REALTORS(R), Hawaii Association of REALTORS(R), and the REALTORS(R) Association of Maui.
Finally, Nā Hale O Maui is partnering with resident families and individuals looking for an affordable home on Maui.
Helping New Homeowners
Nā Hale O Maui recommends education for first time homebuyers, including financial coaching and home-ownership classes. For qualified buyers Nā Hale O Maui will help with financial arrangements through its affiliations.
While we see this as a major step here in Maui, this organization will serve as a model to help all of the islands in Hawai’i in their efforts to meet the widespread needs for affordable housing.