Does Nā Hale O Maui have any affordable houses for sale now?
For an updated status of our homes, please see the Active Homes page for available single family homes.
Is Nā Hale O Maui a non-profit, and is my membership fee tax deductible?
Yes. Nā Hale O Maui received its 501(c)3 designation letter from the IRS on June 30, 2007. Your donation is tax deductible under the IRS regulations. A letter will be sent to you acknowledging your donation for tax purposes.
Where does the community land trust obtain its funding?
Do I have to join Nā Hale O Maui to apply for a house?
Anyone is welcome to join Nā Hale O Maui through an annual membership of $36, but it is not required. You can attend our free quarterly orientation seminars to begin our 4-Step Program to prepare you for ownership of a CLT home. Upon completion of the 4 steps we’ll put you on our list for a “first look” when homes become available. Please visit our Orientation Seminars page for the next offering.
How can I get more involved with Nā Hale O Maui?
We have several volunteer committees, and we welcome your help and participation. If you want to donate some time and talent, or become a candidate for membership on the Board, please e-mail our office at [email protected].
Jason Economou, Government Affairs Director of the Realtors Association of Maui, hosts Cassandra Abdul, Executive Director of Na Hale O Maui on his “Talk Story” RAM GAD POD to discuss affordable housing in Maui.